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Transform learning, drive solutions.

Building tomorrow's professionals today.

We believe in learning by doing. 

Empower tomorrow's talent, together 

The bydo initiative offers a collaborative setting in which companies, students, experts, and educational institutions can learn.


Its educational and legal framework provides everything needed to equip future professionals with future-proof skills.


bydo helps businesses to innovate by matching their projects with the expertise of educational institutions. The goal is to better align the skills taught in universities with the skills needed in practice.


Collaborative. Interdisciplinary. Interuniversity.

We believe in learning by doing 

bydo is a hands-on learning initiative where … 

  • forward-looking partners, 

  • outstanding educational institutions, 

  • distinguished experts, and  

  • talented students 

work jointly to close the ever-widening skills gap.  

What’s new with bydo?  

The bydo initiative 

  • unites companies, students, experts and educational institutions for learning collaboration.  

  • is a neutral intermediary with a standardized educational and legal framework.  

  • is available to any company, organization, or educational institution.  

  • manages the planning, legal aspects, and support for innovative projects to reduce risks and resource constraints.  

  • helps to grow a pool of future talent. 

How does it work?

Collaborative, project-based learning is organized into learning boxes. Each learning box assigns a specific role to the project participants and defines the scope. Boxes can be used for different challenges and topics:  


Innovation cell 

Example: Explore AI use cases to improve business processes 

Research team 

Example: Forecast the estimated state of power networks by means of a graph neural network 

Task force 

Example: Support a production department in case of unexpected quality issues with analysis 


Support unit 

Example: Complete a range of analytical tasks within a marketing department 

The services of bydo  

Prepare project tendering  

Form student teams 

Appoint learning coaches 

Conduct preparatory study (no costs if the project is canceled) 

Manage contracts, non-disclosure agreements, and property rights

Handle controls and quality assurance 

Provide general support 

Provide access to the bydo talent finder for recruiting (wip) 


Why bydo?

Value for students

Student learn vital skills and competencies by tackling the real-world challenges of participating business partners. The also earn ECTS credits in their study program. 

Value for companies 

Companies benefit from dedicated and creative student teams who work on current business topics. They manage the projects and provide the data and systems while retaining all rights to the results. 

Value for experts 

Experts act as learning coaches who develop the competencies in student teams and provide their expert know-how. They gain access to challenging projects and industry partners, and are fully compensated for their work.  

Value for institutions 

Educational institutions integrate the bydo concept into their programs and provide students with the projects and systems they need for developing solid skills. 

Our shared goal is to empower professionals with future proof skills.


Get more information, become a member, or jointly plan a project? Contact us! 

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